Monday, January 10, 2011

Vitamin D Complex

Vitamin D Complex features 2000 IUs of vitamin D, along with efficacious amounts of the other fat-soluble vitamins, A, E (tocopherols and tocotrienols), and K (K1 and K2). While there are a myriad of beneficial health attributes associated with vitamin D, it should be recognized just how important it is to keep it in balance with these other vitamins.  New research is emerging on the intricate interrelationships between them which should make us think twice about dosing any of these supraphysiologically without the others. 

Interestingly, what were once thought to be signs and symptoms of vitamin D toxicity are now understood to actually not be toxicities, but rather deficiency symptoms of one or more of vitamin D’s other fat-soluble counterparts.  Simply stated, supplementing therapeutic amounts of vitamin D creates a greater need for vitamins A, E, and K.

When looking at current research, it becomes clear that the importance lies in the critical balance necessary for these fat-soluble vitamins to work in harmony and support each other. Health problems can easily occur when one or more of these vitamins are not provided in sufficient amounts. Thus, supplementing with therapeutic doses of vitamin D without assuring supportive levels of vitamins A, E, & K can result in deficiency symptoms of one or more of these fat-soluble vitamins.

Vitamin D Complex may be helpful for:

  • Avoiding imbalances between the four fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E & K) when taking therapeutic doses of any of these on an individual basis
  • Immune support/ fighting infection in adults and children
  • Support for those with malabsorption issues, in conditions where it is difficult to absorb fat-soluble vitamins, such as cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, pancreatic insufficiency
  • Cardiovascular disease/atherosclerosis
  • Hypothyroidism and any condition that negatively affects the ability to convert beta-carotene to vitamin A and where thyroid receptors need nutritional support
  • Osteoporosis support and prevention
  • Health and maintenance of skin, hair, nails
Fat-soluble vitamin testing (Fat-Soluble Vitamins Profile) is available through Metametrix Laboratory.

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